Mito Yazca
En Carare Yazca quiere decir origen de la vida. En el cogollo de la Palma de chontaduro, donde nacen los racimos, está la yazca que es el vientre donde está guardada toda la memoria, grabado el porvenir, su desarrollo, sus cosechas, sué frutos, sus flores, está programado qué va a dar esa planta. En este capullo es donde la palma lleva y va subiendo la esencia de la vida.
Al hacer un corte transversal en el centro de la palma se deja ver un bulbo en forma de corazón, en este centro es donde está toda la memoria, es la esencia de la vida. Esa misma imagen se replica en los puntos esenciales de creación de los seres humanos: en el vientre de la mujer es la gestación; en la cabeza es el hipotálamo, centro de la memoria y la acción del pensamiento humano; en el corazón es la válvula mitral, centro de la vida humana. El rombo del vientre de la mujer, el corazón y el hipotálamo, cada uno de ellos, son cogollos tiernos, si se corta alguno, morimos ya que ellos son la esencia de la vida.
I Los seres humanos tenemos el pensamiento a través de las plantas. Ellas tienen su misión: nos hacen humanos.
Yazca is the origin of life
Yazca Myth
In Carare, Yazca means origin of life. In the heart of the chontaduro palm, where the clusters are born, there is the yazca which is the belly where all the memory is kept, the future is recorded, its development, its harvests, its fruits, its flowers; it is programed what plant is going to give. In this cocoon is where the palm carries and the essence of life is going up.
While making a transversal cut in the center of the palm a heart shaped bulb can be seen, in this center is where all the memory is, this is the essence of life. This same image it is replicated in the essential points of creation of the human beings: in the belly of the woman there is the gestation; in the head there is the hypothalamus, center of the memory and the action of the human thought; in the heart there is the mitral valve, center of the human life. The rhombus of the belly of the woman, the heart and the hypothalamus, each one of them are internal sprouts, if any of them is cut, we die since they are the essence of life.
The human beings have the thought through the plants.
They have their mission: they make us humans
Yazca Myth
In Carare, Yazca means origin of life. In the heart of the chontaduro palm, where the clusters are born, there is the yazca which is the belly where all the memory is kept, the future is recorded, its development, its harvests, its fruits, its flowers; it is programed what plant is going to give. In this cocoon is where the palm carries and the essence of life is going up.
While making a transversal cut in the center of the palm a heart shaped bulb can be seen, in this center is where all the memory is, this is the essence of life. This same image it is replicated in the essential points of creation of the human beings: in the belly of the woman there is the gestation; in the head there is the hypothalamus, center of the memory and the action of the human thought; in the heart there is the mitral valve, center of the human life. The rhombus of the belly of the woman, the heart and the hypothalamus, each one of them are internal sprouts, if any of them is cut, we die since they are the essence of life.
The human beings have the thought through the plants.
They have their mission: they make us humans